Our BloodWatch team is working hard to fight for our public, voluntary blood system and we want you to join us! There is an amazing movement happening across Canada right now and we would like to invite you to be a part of it. We need your help to make sure The Voluntary Blood Donations Act is passed in every province in order to preserve and protect our voluntary blood system.
Why is this so important right now?
Private blood brokers tried to set up three clinics in Ontario that would pay people for their plasma in order to export it, sell it and make a profit. Not only does this contravene the fundamental principles of the Krever Inquiry but also it creates a competitor in our public blood collection system.
We worked hard to make sure the private company was banned from opening in Ontario, but they moved to Saskatchewan and opened a clinic there. Now they want to open ten more clinics across Canada. Not on our watch! Check out our video to learn more.
There are many ways to get involved:
1.) Send a letter to your legislators:
Sending letters to local and federal legislators is a very effective way to make your voice heard. You can find contact information about each province on this website.
2.) Download our signs, take a pic, tweet it #nopaidplasma and make sure you send us a copy.
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3.) Connect with us.
Please follow us on twitter and FB. Write us anytime. We can provide you with tools and info kits on how you can advocate in your communities.
4.) Book one of our BloodWatch team to speak at your event.
We love Canada, we love our public blood system, and we love sharing the truth!